Sam Quealy, "the techno pop princess", is taking the music world by storm with her unique sound that defies genre boundaries. Her wildly erotic and genre-bending tracks are captivating audiences worldwide.
Sarah4k, born in Bremen and celebrated queen of Eurodance and trance, has secured herself a permanent place in the Hall of Beats and Basslines with her cheeky, bratty talent and charismatic performances.
Supported by: DJ Buona Sara, she delivers explosive dynamics with fast drums, breaks, and bouncy ghettotech beats.
Sam Quealy, "the techno pop princess", is taking the music world by storm with her unique sound that defies genre boundaries. Her wildly erotic and genre-bending tracks are captivating audiences worldwide.As a member of the legendary vogue house of Commes des Garcons, Sam Quealy's creativity knows no bounds, adding an extra layer of artistic expression to her impressive resume. With a mesmerising stage presence and a magnetic aura that is almost otherworldly, Sam exudes the confidence and attitude of a rockstar while possessing the looks of a popstar. Keep an eye out for Sam Quealy as she continues to make waves in both the music and fashion worlds, destined for even greater success in the future.`
Sarah4k, gebürtige Bremerin und gefeierte Queen des Eurodance und Trance, hat sich mit ihrem frech-görigen Talent und charismatischen Auftritten einen festen Platz in der Hall of Beats und Basslines gesichert. Seit ihrem ersten Auftritt 2019 auf der Breminale bei den Dreimeterbrettern begeistert sie das Publikum auf renommierten Festivals wie dem Fusion Festival und vielen weiteren Bühnen quer durch Deutschland.
DJ Buona Sara
DJ Buona Saras Sets verstoßen gegen die Brandschutzverordnung jeder Venue. Ihrer Genre-Inspiration setzt sie keine Grenzen. Sie liefert explosive Dynamiken mit schnellen Drums, Breaks und bouncy Ghettotech-Beats.
* Ermäßigter Eintritt an der Abendkasse für Schüler*innen, Student*innen, Sozialhilfeempfänger*innen.
* Reduced admission at the box office for students and welfare recipients.